Hello world my name is Francisco, fcoterroba on the Internet and today I bring you a post in which I am going to show you what for me are the best groups, channels and bots that exist today.
Telegram, Whatsapp, Line, WeChat, there are many instant messaging applications that exist today.
But what makes Telegram special?
Well, let's see, I'll try not to be too fan-boy, but whenever I have to send a message to someone, I first check that they use Telegram. If I use it, I send it out there, otherwise, I will have to use the green giant very reluctantly.
The numerous advantages that Telegram has are known worldwide, but first, I will tell you a little about its history.
Telegram is a VOIP and messaging application developed by Nikolai and Pavel Durov, two famous Russian brothers who developed this application.
It is an application that has been free since its inception... (Suck that, 1€ per year from Whatsapp 5 years ago!) and they promise to continue being so.
Many of the ideas that you see today on WhatsApp were previously on Telegram (such as stickers). What's more, I would risk my neck that in a while we will see animated stickers on WhatsApp when it is the day to day in any Telegram conversation.
Additionally, it has features not implemented in the great green such as:
- Ability to talk to people without having their phone number
- Prohibit being added to groups without our consent
- Channels and bots (now I will tell you more about them)
- Attachments up to 1.5GB
- Secret chats (messages are deleted from time to time, disables the screenshot and does not backup the chat)
- Messages can be deleted (without being recorded) and even edited.
And much more. So really, if you're not using Telegram yet, I don't know what you're waiting for 😉.
Now yes, let's start!
I am going to show you the top 7 (always from my point of view) Telegram channels, groups and bots.
Channels are a tool to spread public messages to large audiences. Specifically, that number is infinite. You can set up a channel and include all the people in the world.
More briefly, a channel is a kind of newsletter chat. ATTENTION, in this type of tools you cannot chat, only observe.
The last thing before starting with the list is to clarify how to enter the channels. And it is that, for this you will have to write in the search engine the “user” name of the channel in question or click on the link that I leave you in each one, as long as you have Telegram installed. Without further ado, let's begin:
1.- First of all, and given the current situation in Spain, I want to put the channel of @sanidadgob. It is the official channel of the Ministry of Health in which the updated figures of COVID-19 cases are uploaded daily, in addition to sending some files and links to keep us safe. Remember, #quédateencasa
2.- Do not take it as spam but, if you do not know Los Guardianes Del Tapón (@losguardianesdeltapon), I recommend you follow them. It's a youtube/podcast channel with a live show every Thursday where they talk about a variety of topics with a bit of information technology. Very funny, I recommend it.
3.- @Xataka is a famous Spanish-speaking news website in which they define themselves as "passionate about technology". Highly recommended, due to its division between news, podcast, YouTube channel, etc.
4.- @nacion_linux is a Telegram channel dedicated to computing in general, although the tendency here towards the world of free software is obvious. Still, highly recommended.
5.- We reach the hemisphere with @coinlistES, a channel dedicated to sharing news about cryptocurrencies, blockchain, industry offers and much more. 100% in Spanish!
6.- As expected, not everything is going to be computer science and news, also a bit of @canalhumor, a channel with various memes and daily videos to liven up your day with humor 😄
If you're a compulsive shopper, skip this last one and go to the next section, your wallet will thank me 😂
And it is true, because if there is something that made Telegram take a leap (at least in Spain), it was the discount channels.
7.- @CholloBoom is a price compilation channel to save us a few euros on purchases 🤑
Groups are conversations between 3 or more people that can be separated by areas. To enter the groups you need to be added, search for them (as long as they have @) or use the public link to enter.
My public favorites are:
1.- lenguajeprogramador: Group dedicated to sharing valuable material and/or helping with issues related to programming. Regardless of language
2.- If your thing is Python, you will love @PythonESP. Python group 100% in Spanish.
3.- If you are 100% maker, you will love it @Arduchino. Dedicated group to share Arduino projects and doubts.
4.- @GNULinuxgroup is a group to talk and discuss Linux and all its distributions. It also has 2 channels that you may be interested in.
5.- @Linuxeros_ES is the self-styled group of largest Spanish speaking in recent times. They offer disinterested help on GNU/Linux
6.- If you are passionate about the SEO world, @SoyWebMastercom is the best. Group to talk about everything that has to do with Marketing, Black Hat, Link Building, etc.
7.- If instead you are more into graphic design, I recommend @GraphicEdition. Of course, offtopic is strictly prohibited.
A Telegram bot is a very old functionality, it is more than 3 years old and does not have a common explanation since each bot is different and performs very different functions from each other.
But it could be summed up by saying that bots are small programs within the same program.
The vast majority are in English, but it is very simple. To add it you have to follow the link that I leave below or search for them with the @.
1.- @fbvideo_bot. Do not be fooled by its name, this bot is capable of downloading videos from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, imgurl and even reddit using only the link. In 3 seconds it sends you the file so you can download it.
2.- @converto_bot is a bot that allows you to download the mp3 and mp4 of any YouTube video. You simply have to write mp3 or mp4 followed by the link and in less than 1 minute you will have the link to download it directly.
3.- @TexttSbot is a bot that allows you to create loquendo (auto-generated by computer) voices of almost any language and without any limits. I don't use it daily but it's funny 😂
4.- @Watch_Bot is a simple bot that limits itself to constantly observing your web page and instantly alerts you to possible crashes. In case you want to say goodbye to some hosting 😂
5.- If you want to have a fun time, @Gamee is your best bot. It is an online page of minigames that this bot has created in which you can play countless games without leaving Telegram or installing programs.
6.- If you are a cryptocurrency machine, the CryptoWhaleBot is your bot. It is a simple bot that gives you the current value of most cryptocurrencies. As well as its balance in 1 hour, 1 day and 1 week. In addition to showing the value of the requested currency in Bitcoins, in case you want to do an Exchange.
7.-@RaeBot is an unofficial bot to check word definitions according to the RAE, the body that governs Spanish linguistics . Its use is simple, you just have to write @raebot followed by the word you want to see the definition of. (You can use it in any chat)
And that would be all for today guys, I hope you liked it, you can put any questions you have in the comments, as well as add your favorite groups, channels and bots.
Remember to follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Buen post! Espero el mismo con bots de discord 🙂
Muchas gracias Diego!
No uso mucho Discord pero le echaré un vistazo 😉