Hello world, my name is Francisco, fcoterroba on the Internet and today I bring you the first (hopefully of many) posts on my page.
First of all, I don't know how you got here: SEO, Social Networks, YouTube, Podcast. It doesn't matter, I just want to say, I appreciate it. I really appreciate your visit and I hope to see you often here 😁
I don't know you and you don't know me, so I'm going to introduce myself:
My name, as I have already said, is Francisco and on the Internet I am nicknamed fcoterroba. (it's a clever set of first and last name 😂)
I studied the Intermediate Degree of Microcomputer Systems and Networks (SMR). And, currently, I am studying a Higher Cycle of Web Application Development (DAW).
Also, I'm doing an internship as a backend web developer at Ideanto.
fcoterroba is my personal brand as well as a website (this one you are admiring 😬).
On this website, as you can see in the navigation bar, there are four sections:
- Home → Page where the posts will appear ordered according to the date of publication.
- Portfolio → It's own name defines it, this section is a portfolio in which I attach all the courses, works and projects that I have done. A kind of mini resume constantly updated
- Recommendations → Section of the website with weekly updates (Mondays) that contains two playlists: One from YouTube, with 30 videos that I find curious/funny/funny/terrifying/… and another from Spotify with 30 songs that I like. I do this to publicize channels and artists that I like and that maybe you might like too.
- Acknowledgments → I am clear that I am who I am today for many people, some even considering a mentor. And I think it couldn't be less that they had a little piece of my website. A small tribute. 💚
- Contact Contact → Typical form to contact me via email in addition to other forms of contact.
There is no need to comment that if you want me to deal with a particular topic you can put it in a comment where you want or contact me in the way that is easiest for you.
And that's all friends, leave me in the comments any little thing that I will gladly answer as soon as possible.
I remind you to follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, GitHub and contribute financially to the web using PayPal . Now yes, I say goodbye until the next post!