Hello world! My name is Francisco, known as fcoterroba on the Internet, and today I bring you a post where I'll explain the two most famous words (in my opinion) for each letter of the alphabet in the tech and IT field.
I'm putting together this compilation to bring technology and information technology, terms that go hand in hand, closer to any audience
I believe technology should be something that brings us all together without discriminating against anyone. That's why today, I want to share my knowledge with all of you.
- Abandonware → This term (a combination of 'abandoned' and 'software') is applied to programs or video games that are no longer in production and do not enforce copyright restrictions.
- AVI (Audio Video Interleave) is a video format developed by Microsoft in 1992. It allows for the inclusion of multiple audio streams. This means that a movie in this format could have the video in two different languages.
- Binary → Binary, or the binary system, is a numeral system primarily used in computing and electronics, consisting of only two digits, 0 and 1.
- Byte → It is the basic unit of information. A byte consists of 8 bits, and its multiples can be applied. It is represented with an uppercase B. It is commonly used to refer to memory sizes.
- CCO → Commonly seen in email clients, it allows adding multiple recipients who won't see who else has been sent the email.
- Cookie → It is a small text file hosted on websites to collect user information and enhance the overall browsing experience.
- DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a protocol by which the router or server automatically assigns an IP address without requiring additional configuration.
- DNS (Domain Name System) is a hierarchical naming system that translates server IP addresses into domain names.
- Assembly Language → Low-level programming language close to machine code, the code that a computer truly understands.
- E/S → Acronym indicating Input/Output devices. These devices either take in data or output it. Examples include a keyboard for inputting data or a screen for outputting data.
- FAQ → (Frequently Asked Questions) It's usually a compilation of frequently asked questions along with their answers.
- Freeware → A term applied to programs that are distributed for free with certain copyright permissions.
- Gateway → It is a term used in networks to indicate where our internal network connection comes from. This is always the IP address of the router.
- Gigabyte → Represents the amount of 1024 megabytes.
- Hardware → It is the set of physical and tangible elements that make up a computer system (keyboard, RAM, etc.)
- Hosting → It is the service that provides web developers with a system to store information via the web.
- AI → (Artificial Intelligence) is the acronym reserved for computer sciences that try to develop an intelligent machine that can perceive its environment and carry out actions.
- IDE → (Integrated Development Environment) It is a program that provides services to a programmer in a certain programming language
- Java → Object-oriented programming language based on C++ that is completely portable since it runs on a type of virtual machine.
- JPG → (Join Picture Group) is a file extension that refers to images. It is a compressed format
- Kernel → The core of an operating system is what cannot be seen by the inexperienced human eye.
- Kilobyte → Multiple of byte that symbolizes 1024 bytes. Its symbol is the KB)
- Programming language → Writing system focused on the development of new programs.
- Linux → It is one of the most used kernels for servers today. It is seen on all Linux distributions.
- Megabyte → It is another multiple of the byte, which symbolizes 1024 KB. Its shortening is written MB.
- Motherboard → English translation of the motherboard, the main component in any computer.
- NAS → (Network Attached Storage) is the name given to storage technology that shares the storage capacity of a computer or device with the network.
- Netmask →Coming from English, net mask, it is a combination of bits that serves to separate the network part from the host part.
- Office automation → Techniques, procedures and services whose implementation is carried out in the office environment.
- Open source → This term is used to indicate those programs or games in which the project, as well as the programs and lines of code made for its creation, are open to the public and anyone can consult them.
- Plug & Play → English-speaking expression to express that a device starts working simply when plugged in.
- PNG → (Portable Network Graphics) It is an extension that corresponds to an image with transparency.
- QR → They are those square, black and white icons that shorten links or products.
- QWERTY → It is a keyboard layout that refers to the first 6 keys of the keyboard.
- RAM → (Random Access Memory) It is a type of memory that exists in computers, mobile phones, etc. Which is volatile (when it is turned off it is deleted) and is used to be able to carry out several processes at the same time or improve one especially.
- Router → Network device that simply connects our equipment to the Internet by cable, as long as we have contracted a service provider.
- Server → A server is a type of large-capacity computer for reserved use such as video games, web pages, newspaper archives, etc.
- Software → Software is everything on the computer that is not hardware. (programs, drivers, operating systems, etc.)
- Terabyte → Unit of measurement multiple of the byte that symbolizes 1024 Gigabytes. Its acronym is TB.
- Trojan → Type of virus that pretends to be a normal program but contains harmful code especially focused on ruining the hard drive. Its name refers to the story of the Trojan horse.
- Ubuntu → Linux distribution focused mainly on newbies starting with the system. Also available for servers.
- URL → (Universal Resources Locator) Address of a web page on the Internet.
- Virus → It is a malicious software that aims to alter the normal functioning of a computer device.
- VM → (Virtual Machine) It is a term applied to the technology of “creating” a computer within the same computer, using software.
- www → (World Wide Web) This is how all domains begin due to the distribution of interconnected hypertext or hypermedia documents accessible over the Internet.
- WYSWYG → (What You See Is What You Get) It is a phrase applied to those word processors, web, etc. Able to show what the result will ultimately look like.
- XML → Internet Page Description Language.
- XQuery → XML Query Programming Language
I updated the post to English in 2024 and even today I don't know any term with the Y, so, write me your questions in the comments section 😊
- Zip → Compressed file that is usually contained by one or more data. It does not lose any bits, so the file will weigh more or less the sum of all the files that contain it.
- Socket → It is the place where the different electronic components of the motherboard are inserted.
The previously written explanations are written by me based on both my personal knowledge and the following websites, I recommend you take a look at them to increase your knowledge: Wikimedia, Files, LWP and Amazon
Bit more to add guys, I hope you liked it, leave me in the comments those terms that you do not know that I will respond to you gladly. 😊
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